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Brotherly Love: David & Jonathan
Series: Love, Hospitality, & Service
In the New Testament, Jesus and His apostles issue several similar statements concerning the importance of "Brotherly love". The is not just the love of physical kinship of blood relatives. Yet, it is the love that must exist among people of faith bought by the blood of Jesus (John 13.34-35; Romans 12.10; Hebrews 13.1; 1 Thessalonians 4.9-10; 1 John 4.7-8). It is the love of people for one another - like David Jonathan as far back as the Old Testament (1 Corinthians 10:11).
1. Introduction 00:00
2. How It All Began 4:00
3. Obstacles To Brotherly Love 12:45
4. Attributes of Brotherly Love 22:40
5. A Contrast of Saul and Jonathan 44:05