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Attitudes and Roles of Church Members
Series: Members Of The Body
There are three passages penned by the Apostle Paul which speak of the attitudes and roles within the "Members of the Body" of Christ: Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. Over and over again, Paul spent time writing and emphasizing to Christians their role in the body, and the necessary attitudes it would take to function according to the will of Christ. If, then, Paul thought it vital to emphasize and re-emphasize these lessons, then it will be valuable to us today to consider some of the main points he made.
1. Introduction 0:00
2. Realities About the Body of Christ 2:45
3. Attitudes Needed Within the Body of Christ 8:15
4. Roles Within the Body of Christ 26:45
5. Conclusion 41:00